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Step-by-Step Custom Closet Decluttering Guide for Beginners

Bret Carr • Sep 16, 2024
Step-by-Step Custom Closet Decluttering Guide for Beginners

Decluttering your closet might feel overwhelming, but trust me – it’s one of the most rewarding things you can do for your home. My clients have found that a well-organized custom closet not only makes your daily routines smoother but also reduces stress by creating a sense of order. There’s something downright satisfying about being able to see all your items neatly stored, knowing exactly where everything is.

Your custom closet will benefit if you follow these steps, which we’ll go over in more detail below:

  • Prepare for decluttering
  • Empty the closet
  • Sort and categorize items
  • Make decisions
  • Organize your items
  • Maintain your decluttered closet
  • Celebrate and enjoy

In this guide, I’ll walk you through each step of the decluttering process, which I’ve tailored specifically for beginners to prevent overwhelm. If you’ve been procrastinating, now’s the time to take control of your space and make your closet work for you. Let’s dive in!

Prepare for Decluttering

Before you jump into decluttering, it’s important to set yourself up for success by preparing thoughtfully. If you’ve ever started a big project without a plan and felt totally lost halfway through, you know how frustrating that can be. When it comes to decluttering your custom closet, it’s essential to approach the task with a strategy in mind.

Set Goals

The first step to decluttering is knowing what you want to achieve. Some questions to ask yourself: Do you want to reduce the number of items you own? Do you need to make more space for new items? Or are you looking to better organize everything you already have?

Your goals might include reducing the amount of clutter you have, organizing clothes by season, creating space for shoes or accessories, or focusing on keeping only the items that truly reflect your current style. Narrow down what your goals are, and be specific.

Gather Supplies

Once you are clear on your goals, you’ll want to start, but before you begin, make sure you have all the supplies you’ll need for the decluttering process. This will save you from running around looking for things in the middle of your project.

Some essentials include:

  • Boxes or bins: These are helpful for categorizing items (keep, donate, sell).
  • Trash bags: For items that are damaged or no longer usable.
  • Labels and markers: To mark different bins or boxes for easy sorting.
  • Cleaning supplies: A clean closet is the perfect blank canvas for organizing.

Create a Plan

Finally, break down your decluttering process into manageable sections. Tackling the entire closet in one long day can feel overwhelming, so it’s a good idea to work in stages. For example, you can start with clothing, then move on to shoes, and finish with accessories. 

Also, set a timeline that works for you. It might take an afternoon or stretch over a few days or even a few weekends. Whatever helps you stay focused and motivated is what you should do.

Empty the Closet

Once you're prepared, the next step is to completely empty your closet. It might sound extreme, but taking everything out at once is the most effective way to declutter. This way, you can see exactly what you have and assess it all without distractions.

Remove Everything

Take everything out – clothes, shoes, belts, bags, accessories, and any storage bins you’ve been using. This might be a good time to recognize just how much stuff you’ve accumulated! You might even find items you forgot about completely. Lay everything out on your bed or a large, clean surface, so you can get a full view of what you’re working with.

Clean the Space

While the closet is empty, give it a good cleaning. Dust the shelves, wipe down surfaces, and vacuum the floor. If you’ve been meaning to add any new organizational tools, like hooks or shelves, now is the perfect time to do it.

Custom Closet systems

Sort and Categorize Items

Sorting everything into categories is where you’ll really start feeling good about your results. This will help you visually see what you’re working with and make clear decisions about what to keep, donate, sell, or throw away.

Create Categories

The key to staying organized during the decluttering process is having clear categories. I recommend the following:

  • Keep: Items you wear regularly or that bring you joy.
  • Donate: Items in good condition that you no longer need or use.
  • Sell: Valuable items that you’d prefer to resell online or at a consignment shop.
  • Discard: Anything worn-out, damaged, or no longer usable. Our Happy Hive has a great list of items you should consider parting with.

Consider adding extra categories if needed. For instance, you might want to set aside a “seasonal” category for winter coats and boots that you don’t need right now.

Evaluate Each Item

Be mindful as you go through each piece. Ask yourself these questions:

  • When was the last time I wore this?
  • Does it still fit my style or current lifestyle?
  • Is it in good condition, or does it need repair?
  • Is this a duplicate or something I already have in another color/style?

If you haven’t worn an item in over a year or it no longer fits your current style, it’s likely time to let it go.

Make Decisions

Making the final decisions about what stays and what goes can be tough, especially if you’re attached to certain items. But remember, the goal is to create a functional and enjoyable space for yourself.

Be Ruthless

This is your moment to be honest with yourself about what you need and use. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, it’s likely safe to part ways with it. Items that don’t make you feel good or have seen better days should also be on the chopping block.

Dealing with Sentimental Items

We all have those sentimental pieces that are hard to part with – a sweater that reminds you of a special trip or a dress from an important event. If you’re struggling with these, consider creating a dedicated memory box for those items or taking photos to preserve the memory without keeping the physical object.

Organize the Remaining Items

Now that you’ve sorted everything, it’s time to put back only the items you love and need. But this time, we’re going to make sure they’re beautifully organized, so that they’re easy to find and use.

Use Storage Solutions

Make the most of your space with smart storage solutions. Here are a few ideas:

  • Drawer dividers: Great for keeping small accessories, like scarves, belts, or socks in order.
  • Bins and baskets: Ideal for organizing items on shelves, like handbags or folded clothing.
  • Hooks: Use these for things, like jewelry or hats, to keep them easily accessible.
  • Over-the-door organizers: Perfect for shoes or smaller items, like purses.

Optimize Closet Space

If you’re working with a small closet, maximizing your space is key. Consider adding:

  • Double-hanging rods: These allow you to hang shirts and pants in one space, freeing up the rest of the closet.
  • Vertical storage: Use the space above or below hanging clothes for storage bins or shoes.
  • Adjustable shelving: Shelves that can be moved up or down to fit your items make organization a breeze.

Label Everything

Once everything is in its place, label bins, boxes, or shelves. This makes it easy to keep everything organized and helps family members know where things go as well.

Custom Closet systems

Maintain Your Decluttered Closet

You’ve put in the hard work – now let’s make sure your closet stays clutter-free.

Regular Maintenance

Make it a habit to tidy up your closet on a regular basis. Whether it’s once a month or once a season, taking the time to review what you have and what you no longer need can prevent clutter from sneaking back in. This is especially important during seasonal changes when you might swap out heavier clothes for lighter ones or vice versa.

Good Habits to Adopt

Here are a few habits to keep your closet neat and organized:

  • One in, one out: Every time you buy something new, donate or sell something old.
  • Fold or hang items immediately: Don’t let clothes pile up in the corner of your room. Take a few extra minutes to put them away properly.
  • Seasonal purges: At the start of each season, take the opportunity to reassess what you have, and make adjustments as needed.

Celebrate and Enjoy

You did it! Now that your closet is decluttered and organized, take a moment to pat yourself on the back and celebrate your hard work. Not only is your space more functional, but it probably feels a lot more peaceful and looks more beautiful, too.

Enjoy Your New Space

Take the time to admire your newly organized closet. Maybe even put together an outfit from pieces you rediscovered during the decluttering process. A well-organized closet makes getting ready in the morning so much easier, and you’ll love the newfound sense of calm.


Decluttering your custom closet doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these steps – setting goals, sorting through your items, making mindful decisions, and organizing your space – you’ll create a closet that’s functional and a joy to use. Remember, maintaining the space through regular upkeep and adopting smart habits is key to long-term success. You’re well on your way!




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