There are some excellent questions that come up time and time again from our clients. Because we want to help you achieve better organization in 2014, we’re taking the opportunity to periodically feature some of these questions on our blog, along with complete answers. Here are a couple that we’ve heard recently:
How long will it be until I have my custom closets installed?
We understand that you are eager to have your finished closet organization system installed in your home! The process starts with a consultation appointment. During this appointment, which lasts between one and two hours, we will show you our work, measure your space and find out how you plan to use your custom closet. Depending on how large or small your project is, we may design your system right then and there on our 3D software. Once your design is complete, you’ll have the opportunity to make changes or approve it, and we’ll give you a price quote at that time.
The design and building process can take up to three or four weeks. During this time, you’ll have full usage of your existing closet, and we recommend that you use this time to clean it out. Go ahead and purge what you're not using! If you haven’t worn it in a year, consider donating it or selling it, because, let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to wear it again.
On the day of your installation, which will take between a half-day and a full day (larger projects may take longer), you won’t be able to use your closet. We will take care of all of the removal of your old system; all you need to do is take the clothing and other items out ahead of time. Once we’re done, your closet will be clean and ready for you to use. We’ll show you any special features that require explanation, and then we will get out of your way so you can start using and enjoying your system.
If you call to schedule your consultation today, you could be using your new custom closet by this time next month.
I’m concerned about my impact on the environment. Are your systems environmentally friendly?
First, all of our products are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified. This means that they meet all requirements and guidelines for the amount of emissions that a wood product can produce. Secondly, our particleboard is made from only recycled and recovered wood. You can rest assured that you are using a green and environmentally friendly option when you use our closet company to meet your home organization needs.
Do you have further questions? Contact us for information, and be sure to check back frequently to see more questions answered.
Affordable Closets, LLC
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 527-0331
Affordable Closets, LLC
Denver, CO 80204
Phone: (303) 894-3100
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